Special Events


Friday April 4, 2025 7–9 PM

It’s that time of year when the snow and ice have melted and we start to look forward to the good times we will have again paddling with friends on Sixteen Mile Creek and Lake Ontario. Everyone who paddled with Wai Nui last season, and any friends you have who may want to join Wai Nui, are invited to our annual Ice Breaker on Friday April 4.

Commodore Wendy, Head Coach Sheila and Kupuna Coach Kathy will share their plans for Wai Nui’s paddling programs this season. You will hear all about the exciting programs you can look forward to signing up for as well as from the experienced coaches who will share their expertise with you.

Email wainuicanoeclub@gmail.com to RSVP and for location details.

Open House + Friends & Family Day

Saturday May 31, 2025 2–4 PM

WAI NUI WHY NOT? Race Results